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”Reading list”

Blogs and books, links and recommendations. (for pearsonal use, but shared as is)


Wayfinding Tools part 1

”Swiss Army Knife” of Sensemaking tools (Sue Borchardt, https://youtu.be/C32kxBBKOng )

Sue Borchardt is a practicing research artist and budding mereologist (student of parts and wholes). While she was trained as an artist & electrical engineer, her first career was as a software engineer, developing the first generation of tactical displays for the Navy, and later, user interfaces for the Human Genome Project. A protracted career phase transition included a stint at the Harvard Learning Innovations Lab where she began using animation as a way to capture emerging collective knowledge for a consortium of Chief Learning Officers. She currently designs collaborative learning experiences for groups wrestling with ongoing change. https://twitter.com/contemplatethis


( with tools that make thinking visible, tools for designing the future, tools making sense of things)

  • The Innovators Compass (easing in on maps, works better with ”board people” not comfortable with thinking out loud) – any design thinking tool can be put inside the compass.
  • Theory U
  • Megan’s Adult develop
  • Cynefin
  • Wardley mapping

Strategy cycle..
