Resources ~note, this page will be continuously updated ~
This is a reference page for Information, notes, links to tools and articles recommended for learning and using Wardley Maps
The At WardleMaps now on LEF >(
A highly recommended section is the research and as an example this one ”A Glimpse of the Post-Corona World; Industry Disruption Gets Real”, a recorded webinar talking about things like ”The need for strategic resiliency”, ”How the tech industry can help” and why external shocks are important (listing 10 of them)
Why Wardley Maps?
As I wrote here in ”why-maps-why-wardley-maps”
a map gives you situational awareness, making you aware of the space you are in. Allowing you to navigate the current situation and be aware of what the future will look like.
How does it work?
There are plenty of other great resources so I’ll just link to some.
- Here is a short video for a simple introduction mapping a hungry users need ”Wardley Mapping Burritos”
A great talk (I was there) is Simons presentation ”Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones” from DDD Europe 2018
Here is the ”Book” by Simon Wardley – you should read it if you want to learn the tool, or to give an overview of what it looks like.
- first chapter (start here) ”on being lost”
- second chapter ”finding a path” is perhaps the best to start with if you are just curios of how the map can look , search for ”Figure 8 is what a map of a single line of business should look like”